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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Natural Breast Cancer Treatment

Natural Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer, growth of malignant cells in the breast, and is the most common cancer among women. It is so exceptional but does arise in men, breast cancer usually originates in the milk carrying ducts, although it may arise in the milk sound lobules or, more scarcely, in the dense connective tissue of the breast. A breast tumor is not in itself life threatening, but there is a high risk that the cancer will spread to other organs via the lymph nodes or the bloodstream, so early detection is imperative. In 90 percent of cases, only one breast is affected, although those who have had cancer in one breast are at wider risk of eventually developing it in the other. In all this cases, early detection prevention, treatment and cure improve the outlook significantly.
Mammograms can and will detect teeny tumors and breast abnormalities up to two years before they can be felt, when they are treatable. A mammogram should be ulterior within the first fourteen days of your menstrual cycle, when the breasts are less likely to be swollen. The use of any antiperspirant, deodorant, and powder on the day of the appraisal should be stop, as it can interfere with the examination and reading. When breast cancer is discovered in the very early stages when it has not invaded nearby tissues the cure degree is near 100 percent with surgery alone. Tumors of 1 centimeter or less in size carry a particularly good prognosis less than a 10percent likelihood of recurrence within ten years. In general, the risk of recurrence rises with reinforcing tumor size and lymph nodule involvement.
One natural breast cancer treatment is proper diet and nutrition:
Eat a high fiber diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables, faithfulness grains, legumes, raw nuts ( delete peanuts ) and seeds, and soured products such as low fat yogurt. Very important are the cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels. Sprouts, cash, and cauliflower, and unprincipled orange vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkin, hush up, like honey potatoes, and yams. Eat vegetables raw or lightly steamed. For grains, use ungracious brown rice, millet oats and wheat. Eat whole grains only. If at all possible, butcher only organically grown foods. Pesticides and other chemical have been linked to breast cancer ( they may illustrate the ramification of estrogen on the body ).
Another natural breast cancer treatment that gain monopoly today among the scientific world is “The one mini cure for all diseases” in their research it is being revealed that if you deprive a cell 35 % of its required levels of oxygen for 2days, the cell will become malignant and cancerous will be prone to different kinds of diseases including cancer and aids. Most people don ' t know that privation of oxygen is not only the cause of cancer but is also the cause of all most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant amounts of oxygen, no microbes, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, and disease microorganisms can survive due to they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated body.
For an in depth study of this alternative therapy and for more natural breast cancer treatment. Honest chase the link and watch also the 5minute record presentation for final assessment:

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